Friday, February 29, 2008

I started the underpainting today for my spring break girl. It is a little rough and I am not quite happy with it. I am undecided as to whether I will work on it more or jump in with some color. I decided to do the underpainting on a white ground instead of a colored ground, so we shall see what happens.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here are two oil sketches I did this week. I am having a hard time getting back in to painting after being away for so long. Today I was gridding up a new painting, I think I will try to start the underpainting tomorrow.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The cheese shop is so last year....

I am finally free of the shackles of retail! I did another monochromatic portrait this morning (I'll post a picture of it tomorrow.) This is from a drawing my friend Emma sat for a while back. I think so far they work quite nicely, the important part is to start from a good drawing. It feels so good to paint again! I am going to try to stretch a few canvases today too, so I can finally get started on the Architect painting and Christy as a spring break girl.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I thought I might try to make some almost monochromatic portraits of vaguely suspicious looking women. Here is the first one. It is from a drawing I did of a model at a figure drawing session at my friend Melanie Vote's studio.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"The Librarian"

"The Badminton Player"



For my first real post I will upload some of the paintings from the series of dangerous women I am working on. First, here is the one that started it all.

First Blog Post

Well, Rachel said I should start a blog so here it is!